John Brennan Article

CPAC DC.  February, 2024  

Having started the podcast Discussions of Truth in Miami in 2016, I have been involved in numerous meetings, discussions and conversations over the years.  Politically I identify as a constitutional republican.  What can be referred to as a conservative.  I believe in transparency and honesty and building on values that make and have made any flourishing civilization great.  Democratic values being a cornerstone. 

There comes a time in the life of any government when its citizens must rise-up and demand corruption be accounted for and a cleansing of a decayed system be implemented.  This can not come at the hands of any politician with compromised strings.  It must come from a grass-roots, hoi polloi (greek: “the many”) movement and voice.  That time, in my opinion, has come to the USA. 

In 2015 I had walked away from a very lucrative job because I felt I could build something out of my life from nothing.  I knew I had the gravitas to become a senator or great leader.  I registered to run for the US House to represent FL District 27.  I’ve always believed in the American spirit of individual independence and self-reliance.  It was while making ends meet and driving Lyft and Uber trips that I was asked to start Discussions of Truth.  A result of explaining to a passenger the research I had done on the Federal Reserve and corrupt banking system that suffocates the healthy function of government in DC. 

This article describes an example of mass corruption that portrays exactly why DC must be held accountable for its gross putrefaction and rot. 

I was taken to the Conservative Political Action Conference in DC in February 2024.  Ushered to my table by a friend of mine, I was asked to interview a former FBI agent.  The interview and information given to me that day has developed into a wider project.  Today, via project’s literary agent, the following is a review of my source’s writings by New York based PF Media reporter and former Epoch Times reporter Bryan S. Jung.  The following release has my full permission.  Subject matter contents relate to my FBI source’s information on former Director of the CIA, John Brennan.  It brandishes alarming contents that show Brennan was involved in dangerously lucrative activity at the cost of American lives while at the helm of the CIA.  Full permission to own and circulate the findings have been given to me.  Hence, I copyright all material given to me by my FBI source.  I am told all contents are open-source (public) and nothing released is secret or confidential.  

Mr. Jung’s review on the information - as posted to his Substack account: 

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais (May 18, 2020)

The April 15, 2013, Boston Marathon bombing by two Chechen-American brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, shocked Americans nationwide barely 12 years after the 9/11 attacks.

A new nonfiction book with the working title “The Crimes of John Brennan,” contains some compelling evidence that former President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism[1] and future CIA Director, John Brennan, allegedly had full knowledge of the Boston Marathon bombers prior to the attacks and may even have financially benefited from it.

The book’s author, Ian Trottier, is a popular podcaster and journalist whose guests have included scores of luminaries in the realms of politics and media. “Of his many foul deeds, the one which as many as 100 million non-politically active Americans will have a clear vision of is the events that were the basis of the hit movie, ‘Patriots Day’; which dramatically illustrated the tragic Boston Marathon bombing massacre,” Trottier told PJ Media.

“One of the many remarkable revelations contained in this groundbreaking exposé concerns the accusation that Brennan actively orchestrated the tragic deaths of American citizens to serve nefarious political purposes,” Trottier added.

Trottier says that some have long suspected that top officials in U.S. intelligence and federal law  enforcement, may have had foreknowledge of the terrorist attacks in Boston and is now trying to put the missing pieces together in his new book.

The official narrative was that the FBI’s incompetence led to the failure to stop the Tsarnaev brothers, despite pre-attack warnings from Russian and Saudi intelligence to American authorities, that Tamerlan was a “follower of radical Islam.” 

Trottier’s main source is a former FBI agent, with extensive and successful experience integrating Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) into significant National Security investigations, who was familiar with the major terrorism cases post-9/11.

The former FBI agent assisted Trottier with his book, by using digital data mining to navigate through mounds of government records available to those with a keen understanding of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request protocols, allowing him to harvest little noticed data that only dedicated experts could effectively curate.

The source material that Trottier’s team eventually found is evidently incontrovertible, as it was entirely drawn from public and declassified records that can be found online.

Some might conclude that given the Alphabet Agencies, allegedly rumored penchant for terminally eliminating whistleblowers, it might be termed brave or even foolhardy to criticize these Deep State players. 

At least one member of Trottier’s team has admitted to being threatened by an employee of a particular government agency with a staged fatal automobile accident, if his participation in this independent investigation came to fruition.

Trottier further hired literary agent and renowned reporter W. Douglas Dechert to shepherd his book through the complex publication process, after hearing of his well-publicized Manhattan press dinner that he hosted for Robert Kennedy Jr. in 2023.

Trottier read Dechert’s own account of the biased partisan attack that his press dinner engendered on his Substack account: “The Fifth Column,” titled THE CLIMATE HOAX SCAM AND THE PAGE SIX HYPE MACHINE and subsequently invited Dechert onto his show.

In 2005, after 25 years in government, Brennan retired as the CIA chief of staff and acting director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).

As the head of the NCTC, Brennan handpicked most of the center’s initial analysts who would later owe their career advancement to him.[2] 

Brennan also sought and received permission for the NCTC to have authority to order the NSA (National Security Agency) to place the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) the NSA collected into Codeword Compartments.[3]

NSA SIGINT collects every electron of data on the internet using its XKeyscore surveillance program, ostensibly to provide a heads up on overseas threats, as reported by The Guardian in 2013.[4] NCTC’s ability to sequester NSA collected SIGINT data on a particular target (i.e. Tsarnaev) in a Codeword Compartment allows NCTC to put the SIGINT out of sight.  Only someone NCTC determined had a ‘need-to-know’ could see the data.

When Brennan left his proteges at the NCTC (who now had authority over NSA SIGINT) to become CEO of The Analysis Corporation (TAC) upon his retirement in 2005, he was rewarded 1.5 percent ownership in the firm’s stock.[5] 

Under the employee vesting schedule in effect when John Brennan left TAC, he had 25,001 shares of TAC stock in his TAC 401K plan account on February 9, 2008, the anniversary date of Damian Perl’s purchase of SFA, Inc. and TAC, Inc. [6]  

Brennan’s 25,001 shares were held in his TAC 401K account, “…Long-Term Incentive Compensation plan that TAC had under its prior owner SFA [which] …consisted of awards of stock options and/or restricted stock under the SFA Plan, adopted by [Global] in 2007 following its acquisition of SFA…[7]  These shares of stock were held in the TAC 401K accounts of current and former employees. Brennan held a proprietary ownership interest in TAC when he joined the Obama Administration in 2009.[8] 

Brennan’s TAC stock was held in his TAC 401K account.[9]  As you can see, he claims it was an “excepted investment fund” – that would be a false statement, because it only held TAC stock.

When Brennan joined the Obama Administration, he filed his first Executive Branch Personnel Financial Disclosure Form (SF-278) which clearly shows he owned a TAC 401K which he valued at $50,000.  The Office of Government Ethics representative, Rachel Molinaro noted Brennan told her he was going to roll the TAC 401K into an IRA.  Brennan’s subsequent Disclosure forms show he just changed the name of the TAC 401K to SOTERA 401K.  SOTERA was the successor name of the TAC.

The CIA general counsel would accuse Brennan, as CEO of TAC, and his subordinate Alexander Drew of conspiracy in 2007, to defraud the government by submitting false documents to contest a contract that Langley awarded to a competitor.[10] No charges were filed in the end to avoid embarrassing the CIA, despite enough evidence to prove them both guilty.[11]

Meanwhile, the FBI’s lackluster August 2011 Guardian Assessment investigation of Tamerlan prior to the bombings, made it appear that the Bureau was unable to protect the American public from terrorism. Post-Boston Marathon bombing investigations revealed no SIGINT related to Tsarnaev was identified in US Government (i.e. NSA) databases prior to the bombing.[12] [13]   

This glaring lack of SIGINT was apparently due to the SIGINT being sequestered in a Codeword Compartment file on Tamerlan Tsarnaev since 2006[14]  when both Tamerlan and his brother Dzhokar began a relationship with an official of the Chechen Government-in-Exile, Musa Khadjimuradov.[15]  The Russo-Chechen War was in full swing in 2006, so it was likely that the NSA recorded all of Khadjimuradov’s SIGINT (email and telephone conversations) with Tamerlan prior to the bombings. 

Under the FISA Court’s “two hop rule” Tsarnaev’s own electronic communications (SIGINT) were legally allowed to be collected because he was in contact with an official of a foreign government-in-exile. It is rather strange that the SIGINT on Tamerlan happened to be missing, and it is unlikely that the NSA would lose its records so easily.

Al Qaeda in Yemen kept a Jihadi website called “Inspire” where they posted recipes for homemade bombs.  The NSA would have been recording the SIGINT of anyone visiting this website.  We know from court documents that Tamerlan visited this website and downloaded the directions for his pressure cooker bombs, but no such SIGINT was found by the FBI prior to the Marathon bombing.[16]

In the FBI’s pre-bombing interview Tsarnaev lied to the case agent and denied visiting these websites[17], a violation of 18 USC 1001.  If this “Inspire” SIGINT hit was disclosed to the FBI, the Marathon bombing would not have happened. But this SIGINT, which all logic indicates was collected by the NSA, was routed to a file somewhere.  Neither the FBI, the IC OIG or the House Select committee were given it, so who had it?  

We know who financially benefited from this SIGINT not being found, the shareholders in TAC/SOTERA. The fact that the FBI was not allowed to even know of the existence of the SIGINT collected on Tsarnaev prior to the Boston Marathon bombing, clearly enabled the deadly attack.

In February 2009, Brennan left TAC to join the Obama administration as the White House counterterrorism advisor, the titular head of all U.S. CT activity.  This post, once again, put him in charge of overseeing his former associates, the NCTC.[18] By law, Brennan had to roll over his TAC 401K into an IRA when he returned to government to avoid conflicts of interest.  Rolling over a 401K requires the assets in the 401K be liquidated (turned into cash) and the cash is put in the IRA.

 Brennan officially notified the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) that he would “roll over TAC 401K into an IRA” effectively divesting from the firm’s stock.[19]  If Brennan did, he would have lost ownership of pre-IPO stock in TAC/SOTERA, so he just changed the name from TAC 401K to SOTERA 401K. Brennan’s public filings with the OGE and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), show that he failed to comply and he still held 25,001 shares of TAC stock in his TAC 401K account, in violation of Title 18 USC 208. Brennan’s holdings in TAC later increased to 200,000 shares by the end of the year, prior to the IPO, according to SEC filings.[20]

On November 19, 2009, the IPO increased the value of Brennan’s shares in his TAC 401K to $2.6 million, while he only reported a stock valuation of $50,000 to the OGE.[21] The Wall Street Journal would report that they had a copy of the SF 278 executive branch personal branch disclosure form that showed that Brennan never complied with the law, since he continued to maintain his TAC 401K account in his 2010 disclosure filing.

From 2010 through 2017, records show that Brennan simply changed the name of his TAC 401K to SOTERA 401K[22] [23] [24]on his personnel financial disclosure form, to intentionally conceal his investments while working for the Obama White House and is a serious conflict of interest.[25]  Sotera Defense Solutions was the name change the SEC approved for TAC in preparation for the IPO.  The SEC also approved SOTERA Defense Solutions conversion of TAC 401k accounts to SOTERA 401K accounts.[26]

Brennan never worked for Sotera, as he was now an employee of the government, how could he legally have a 401K account with a company he never worked for?  He couldn’t – this was more evidence of his intentional concealment of his crimes. He would continue to report his TAC/SOTERA 401K account in financial disclosure filing for the next seven years and he continued to neglect putting down the actual estimated value of his 401K with the firm. The former FBI source in Trottier’s book believes that Brennan permitted terror attacks to increase the value of his illegally owned shares of TAC/SOTERA stock.

In March 2011, the Russian FSB informed the FBI LEGAT in Moscow that Tamerlan was a suspected terrorist[27], and it was also discovered that he had visited Dagestan, a hotbed of jihadist activities in Russia, in 2012.  The Russian FSB provided several SIGINT records to the FBI LEGAT as examples of Tsarnaev’s terror ties.[28] 

The NSA’s SIGINT collection is presumably more advanced than Russia’s, but the IC OIG and the House Select Committee both reported they did not find any similar SIGINT on Tsarnaev in “U.S. Government” databases prior to the attack.[29] [30]  Where was the NSA’s SIGINT hidden?

On the day of the FBI–FSB meeting in Moscow, White House records, show that Brennan met with senior CT officials, including David S. Cohen, who oversaw the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), and assistant secretary of Defense Garry P. Reid, who oversaw the Pentagon’s SOLIC/IC office.[31] 

According to Newsweek magazine, SOLIC/IC has authority to modify TECS alerts at US airports.[32] Cohen’s OFAC office approved the sale of TAC to a British company prior to TAC’s IPO of stock, which Brennan illegally owned in his 401K.  Years later, in 2015, Brennan chose Cohen to be his Deputy Director at the CIA. 

Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) TECS database twice failed to alert its agents when Tsarnaev passed through customs, right after Reid, whose SOLIC/IC office can deactivate TECS alerts at American airports, met with Brennan. When Tsarnaev returned to the U.S. from Dagestan in July 2012, the TECS alert failed for the second time. According to Newsweek magazine, Reid’s SOLIC/IC office has sole authority to override the CBP’s TECS database and turn off alerts for suspicious travelers at U.S. airports.[33]  

On April 1, 2011, all TAC/SOTERA stock was bought up and the company taken private by Ares Management for $24.25 per share, thus increasing the value of Brennan’s SOTERA 401K account to $4.85 million.[34]   Ares paid almost twice the market value to acquire TAC/SOTERA stock to take the company private, which is risky and unusual.  

Trottier asks, was Ares Management secretly reassured by a government insider, that its investment in TAC/SOTERA would be paid off with a massive increase in U.S. counterterrorism expenditures?

Popular Mechanics reported that Brennan’s successor at the NCTC, Michael Leiter, said that terrorist attacks lead a surge in funding for his agency.[35] The Saudi intelligence service sent a letter to DHS soon after Tsarnaev’s return from Dagestan in July 2012, with a warning suspecting the Chechen of terrorist sympathies, but the White House strangely ignored this.[36]

Then, on January 14, 2013, a week after Brennan was nominated to be CIA director, he attended a briefing between President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Prince Mohammed bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, the Saudi intelligence chief, according to Obama White House records.[37]

“…According to a highly placed source who spoke to MailOnline, the Saudis sent a written warning about Tsarnaev to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in [July] 2012. That was long before pressure-cooker blasts killed three and injured hundreds…”[38]

“…The official told MailOnline about a written warning from the Saudi government to the Department of Homeland Security, and said he had direct knowledge of that document…”[39]

“…The Saudis' warning, the official told MailOnline, was separate from the multiple red flags raised by Russian intelligence in 2011, and was based on human intelligence developed independently in Yemen…”[40]

“…Citing security concerns, the Saudi government also allegedly denied an entry visa to the elder Tsarnaev brother in December 2011, when he hoped to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the source said. Tsarnaev's plans to visit Saudi Arabia have not been previously disclosed…”[41]

“…A Homeland Security official confirmed Tuesday evening on the condition of anonymity that the 2012 letter exists, saying he had heard of the Saudi communication before MailOnline inquired about it...”[42]

Within an hour of the January 14 meeting, according to the White House visitor logs, Brennan’s administrative assistant, Caroline Krency, scheduled a meeting between Brennan and Alexander Drew, Brennan’s TAC/SOTERA successor and 2007 fraud against the government co-conspirator, along with Drew’s wife, Andrea M. Solomon, the assistant IG of the CIA.[43] [44]

The former FBI source suspects that Brennan may have used Michael Jones, a State Department Analyst detailed to the NCTC, to open classified codeword compartments to sequester key NSA SIGINT data on terrorist attacks.  According to White House visitor logs, it appears Jones held over two dozen face-to-face, one-on-one meetings with Brennan.  These private face-to-face meetings prevent a paper trail of potentially incriminating evidence. 

Suspiciously, most of these meetings were falsely recorded as Jones meeting with Brennan’s administrative assistant, Krency.  According to the former FBI whistleblower, intelligence analysts don’t usually go meet with an administrative assistant twenty-four times in the White House, but they do travel there to brief decision makers, like Brennan. 

Intentionally falsifying official government records is a federal offense. Committing it over twenty times for a only single person like Jones is an indication that someone may be trying to hide evidence of incriminating meetings, said the former FBI source.

Jones had Codeword Compartment authority, and this could possibly explain why post-Marathon bombing congressional, and IC OIG, investigators did not find the SIGINT the NSA must have collected on Tsarnaev.  Jones had the authority to decide those investigators did not have a “need-to-know.”  The NSA had no authority to reveal those codeword compartments to the investigators without Jones’ approval.

On January 16, 2013, the WH visitor logs confirmed that the Drews both met with Brennan face-to-face at 7:30 p.m.  Is it possible that Brennan shared with the Drews, Abdulaziz’s concerns about Tsarnaev, and did his former colleague at TAC/SOTERA reassure people at Ares Management that there would be a good chance for massively increased counterterrorism funding in the future?  

Brennan would finally be confirmed as the new CIA director on March 8, 2013, just weeks before the Tsarnaev brothers detonated two bombs at the Boston Marathon.  In the bombing’s aftermath, two investigations into why U.S. authorities failed to prevent the attacks were conducted.

There was one after-action report by the Intelligence Community Office of Inspector General and one by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Logically, the IG OIG and the HPSCI would wish to speak with the Russian FSB agent who informed the FBI LEGAT in Moscow about the Tsarnaev brothers.

Unfortunately, shortly after the bombing, and as was widely reported in the press, the CIA under Brennan tried to recruit a Russian FSB agent to spy for them in Moscow.  Standard operating procedure is the Director of the CIA approves all recruitment pitches in Moscow.  Brennan caused this pitch to be made.[45] Did this particular FSB agent have any knowledge of Tsarnaev’s terrorist activities?

This extremely rash attempt to recruit the FSB agent by the CIA immediately alienated the Russian security services and hampered the Boston Marathon Bombing investigation.

Old CIA hands at the time said it was ridiculous to anger the FSB leadership in the middle of IG OIG and House investigations, while investigators planned to interview FSB agents with any potential knowledge of Chechen terror activity and the Boston Marathon bombing.[46]

Both the final OIG and the HPSCI reports documented that neither they nor the original FBI case agent found any references to Tsarnaev in U.S. government databases (i.e., NSA SIGINT references) prior to the Boston Marathon attack.[47]  

"...In the course of their inquiry, the Boston JTTF checked U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications [a SIGINT marker], possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity [a SIGINT marker] , associations with persons of interest, travel history and plans [a SIGINT marker], and education history.  No links to terrorism were uncovered in these records checks and investigation of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's background..."[48] [49] [50]

It is interesting that Brennan’s acolytes at the NCTC, who owed their careers to him and who surely controlled access to NSA SIGINT on Tsarnaev, failed to provide the SIGINT which would have aided the investigators or the FBI.[51] [52]

What did the NCTC analysts know about the missing SIGINT and when did they know it?  Trottier says that the withholding of the evidence is suspicious, and the question is why and who may have benefited from the terrorist attacks.

On July 31, 2013, the WH visitors log showed that Jones attended a White House Situation Room meeting hosted by Biden, which was also attended by Ambassador Patrick Kennedy and the DOD’s Reid.  Kennedy had previously testified under oath to Congress that the CIA had let the 2009 “Underwear Bomber” into the country to recruit him and Reid had the authority to turn-off TECS alerts when Tsarnaev went to Russia to meet Dagestani terrorists.  The former FBI source conjectures that these two men were invited to an end-of-tour award ceremony for Jones, hosted by Biden, to reassure Jones that “…sometimes, recruitment operations simply go bad…but we still have to keep our mouths shut!”

Strangely, Jones, the up-and-coming Intelligence analyst, abruptly ended his career at its apex, just two months after the Marathon bombing and went to work for DC’s Health and Human Services (HHS).  Brennan, the man Jones had over twenty one-on-one, face-to-face meetings with, had just become Director CIA three months prior.  Why did Jones not try to leverage his relationship with Brennan into a position at CIA, as opposed to working at HHS as a bean counter and abandoning the U.S. intel community just as his career looked promising?

Trottier asks, did Brennan directly interfere with the OIG and HPSCI investigations by ordering the recruitment pitch in Moscow right after the Boston Marathon bombing, and did his actions have anything to do with his intentionally concealing his illegal ownership of TAC/SOTERA stock that made him a multi-millionaire?

It appears that CIA Director Brennan still listed a SOTERA 401K account on his Financial Disclosure forms.[53]

The forms show that Brennan continued to intentionally mis-characterize the SOTERA 401K as a defined contribution plan and he intentionally undervalued the account.[54]

These and many other questions are highlighted in “The Crimes of John Brennan.”

Trottier speculates in his book, that Brennan’s “false statements to the Senate” and his actions to cover up his “illegal profiteering after leaving government,” were partially behind his deep involvement in the “Russian collusion” hoax against former President Donald Trump.

“The illegally obtained $4.85 million is probably John Brennan’s true motivation for arranging the Russian Collusion hoax. It is credibly suspect that he feared then President Donald Trump would reveal the very treasonous criminal scheme he engineered while serving as the Head of the CIA under Barack Obama,” Trottier said.

“President Trump has often said that Brennan was the ringleader on the Russia collusion hoax and the Hunter Biden laptop; Gang of 51; denial squad,” Dechert added.  “I agree with President Trump in that assessment and so far, Brennan has gotten away with his lies, crimes, homicides of Americans, treason and only God knows what else. It’s time he and the rest of the Alphabet Agency crooks are called to account for their sins,” he continued.

Trottier is currently producing a documentary about the book’s making, which is now in pre-production and is in discussions with reputable online news organizations and 24/7 cable news outlets for the co-branding rights to the film.


[2] “An interview with TTIC Director John Brennan”; Studies In Intelligence; Vol 48, No. 4, with Paul Johnson, Editor Studies in Intelligence, interview date July 21, 2004;

[3] “An interview with TTIC Director John Brennan”; Studies In Intelligence; Vol 48, No. 4, with Paul Johnson, Editor Studies in Intelligence, interview date July 21, 2004;

[4] Glenn Greenwald, THE NSA FILES: XKeyscore: NSA tool collects ‘nearly everything a user does on the internet’, July 31, 2013,


[6] ; pg. 87


[8] John O. Brennan, Executive Branch Personal Financial Disclosure (SF-278); dated Feb 17, 2009;


[10] Letter to David A. Ashen, Esq. Dep. Assist. General Counsel, Government Accountability Office (GAO), Matter of The Analysis Corporation, File B-310924, from Arthur L. Passar, OGC, CIA, dated February 15, 2007;

[11] Letter to David A. Ashen, Esq. Dep. Assist. General Counsel, Government Accountability Office (GAO), Matter of The Analysis Corporation, File B-310924, from Arthur L. Passar, OGC, CIA, dated February 15, 2007;

[12] Intelligence Community OIG Unclassified Report on Boston Marathon Bombings, Page 6;

[13] The Road to Boston, Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, House Homeland Security Committee Report. March 2014



[16] “…Inspire magazine is an English language online publication [a SIGINT marker] of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).  Volume One of Inspire magazine, which is dated summer 2010, contains detailed instructions for constructing IEDs using pressure cookers, explosive powder from fireworks, shrapnel, adhesive, and other materials. IEDs constructed in this manner are designed to shred flesh, shatter bone, and cause extreme pain and suffering, as well as death…”

[17] Tamerlan Tsarnaev FBI 302 on



[20] “…Maximum Shares and Award Limits.    Under the Plan, the maximum number of shares of common stock that may be subject to awards is 1,000,000, including the 492,127 shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of options granted under the SFA Plan and assumed under the Plan. The number of shares of common stock allocated to the Plan shall automatically increase at the beginning of each fiscal year by a number equal to the lesser of 1.5% of the Company’s shares of outstanding common stock, 125,000 shares of common stock and an amount determined by the Administrator. No one participant may receive awards for more than 200,000 shares of common stock in any one calendar year [emphasis added]….”,


[22] John O. BRENNAN , 2014 OGE Form 278, signed 5/15/2014

[23] John O. BRENNAN , 2015 OGE Form e278; signed 5/12/2015, OGE accepted 6/11/2015

[24] John O. BRENNAN ,  Financial Disclosure Form 278e, dated 7/19/2016;

[25]  John O. BRENNAN ,  Financial Disclosure Form 278e, dated 7/19/2016  “…BRENNAN financial disclosure Form 278e, Line 1 reveals he still has a 401K account with Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc., and indicated he had between $100,001 and $250,000 in this account and he claims it is an Excepted Investment Fund.  Carrie Truehart, OGE, and Emory Rounds, OGE, certified the form is in compliance with the law…”


[27] Russian FSB Liaison Memorandum to FBI, dated March 4, 2011; as described in The Road to Boston, Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, House Homeland Security Committee Report. March 2014.

[28] Russian FSB Liaison Memorandum to FBI, dated March 4, 2011; as described in The Road to Boston, Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, House Homeland Security Committee Report. March 2014.

[29] The Road to Boston, Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, House Homeland Security Committee Report. March 2014

[30] OIG Unclassified Report on Boston Marathon Bombings;

[31] White House Visitor Log UIN U88363 found at

[32] William M. Arkin, Newsweek, “Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army,” May 17, 2021.  ”...The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the [Dept of Defense] over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies…”

[33] William M. Arkin, Newsweek, “Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army,” May 17, 2021.  ”...The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the [Dept of Defense] over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies…”

[34] “…[Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.] would become a wholly owned subsidiary of [Sentinel Acquisition Holdings, Inc] and all outstanding shares of the common stock of the Company, par value $0.01 per share (the “Shares”), other than Shares held by Parent, Merger Sub or the Company and Shares held by stockholders of the Company who validly exercise appraisal rights under Delaware law, would be converted into the right to receive $24.25 in cash. The Merger became effective on April 4, 2011…”


[36] David Martosko, American Media Institute, May 1, 2013, as reported in the Daily Mail, Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington DENIES his nation warned the United States about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012 | Daily Mail Online







[43] Obama White House Visitor Log: “…SolomonDrew, Andrea M., UIN U69134…”

[44] Obama White House Visitor Log: “…DREW, ALEXANDER, UIN U69134…”



[47] OIG Unclassified Report on Boston Marathon Bombings;

[48] The road to Boston: Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings;

[49] FBI Correspondence with US Senator John McCain and Carl Levin, dated Oct 29, 2013,


[51] The Road to Boston, Counterterrorism Challenges and Lessons from the Marathon Bombings, House Homeland Security Committee Report. March 2014;

[52] Caught on Russian wiretap: Tsarnaev ‘vaguely discussed jihad’ with mother – US official; RT, April 28, 2011,

[53] John O. BRENNAN , 2015 OGE Form e278; signed 5/12/2015, OGE accepted 6/11/2015

[54] John O. BRENNAN , 2015 OGE Form e278; signed 5/12/2015, OGE accepted 6/11/2015

As of October 3, 2024, this article (write-up) by Bryan S. Jung can be seen here