Digital Slavery - QR vaccines
On the AM of Wednesday October 13, 2021 at 6:36EST, I received an electronic transmission over a public system from a woman in Ireland. The below content is her written article. With permission, I share with you. I immediately transferred and posted the below contents to Medium. Approximately two hours later, that Medium account was "suspended" and disabled.
Hi Ian,
Please find as attached, my PDF essay “From QR Code Health Passports, to QR code Wrist Stamps – Joining the dots.” which is the result of 3 years research.
This is not hubris, but I believe it is one of the most shocking, yet important pieces an individual could read right now.
It’s not short, at approximately 15 pages, (before footnoted references and photographs), however, If you value your civil rights the and health freedom, it will be well worth your time.
This information is factual, there for all to find, but somehow practically subterranean in both mainstream and digital media.
The essay is a broadly academic style, fully referenced with credible sources (Such as The Lancet, The New York Times, Wired Magazine, American Scientist etc) and illustrative photographs.
I will include the introductory pages to my attached PDF essay in this introduction directly below, to give a flavour of its content, (references and photo’s will not unfortunately attach correctly in the introductory email formatting).
Some people have reservations about opening PDF attachments. (I do myself :), so I hope that having been sent to many directly, following request or perhaps passed on to you via trusted friends, family or colleagues, that QR Code Health Passports to QR code Wrist Stamps is read and shared widely.
Best Wishes,
Anne Monaghan
B.A. (hons) ,M.A. (hons)
The following is her articled:
“From QR Code Health Passports to QR code Wrist Stamps –
Joining the dots.”
Health Passports/passes are being considered and legislated for travel and accessing the
services of everyday life in multiple countries worldwide
These Covid Passports or Covid Passes typically use an updated version of a bar code, called
a Quick response or QR code.
QR codes are machine readable graphics in a two-dimensional format consisting of a matrix
of black modules displayed in a square on a white background. QR Codes are akin to
standard barcodes, however QR Codes can contain significantly more information than
traditional barcodes.4
The covid pass QR codes can store up to date data an individual’s Covid test and Covid
vaccination/ booster status.
In a nutshell, this essay is to sound a loud alarm bell, that the QR code Health Passports, if
embraced internationally, are on track to facilitate the use of an entirely new medical, social,
cultural, financial, and ethical system of existence for humankind.
The passports are being introduced in a manipulative and non-transparent fashion, which has
not been subject to citizen investigation, appraisal and informed choice for use. Instead, it is
slipping into usage under the guise of being for our “health” and “safety”.
The so-called Health Passports in the context of this essay will be characterised as a hugely
significant and profoundly worrying Trojan horse civil rights issue that could affect every
man woman and child globally.
This is as connected with a brand-new kind of Covid vaccine with a fictional sounding name
of ‘The Quantum Dot Tattoo’ vaccine – yet entirely grounded in fact as funded, developed,
and trialled now by multiple alliances internationally, (such as I.D 2020 and The Gates
Foundation). 5
I will be arguing that the current QR code passports are going to function only as interim
placeholders, for the soon to be revealed QR code vaccine wrist stamp, which are to take their
Furthermore, that there is an outrageously ambitious goal to attempt to facilitate such
enormous changes on the back of this vaccine, which uniquely tie into surveillance, control
and a kind of socialist serfdom.
One where the few profits from the many in a subscription only lifestyle collectivism, the
majority are unwittingly signing up to or being coerced into using right now.
I will explain the attempted sophisticated multistrand strategy, towards an international
unform digital Identity system, allied with military and international federation backed
surveillance measures and the establishment of a blockchain digital banking system.
Despite the seemingly impossible, how the above could conceivably be endorsed by the
majority internationally because of the promise of protection from an all-encompassing and
never-ending threat, an ever-mutating virus.
For clarity’s sake and in order to forestall any below-the-line arguments, this is not an essay
focused on vaccine safety and efficacy.
The entire complex vista, rightly sounds unbelievable and bizarre - the stuff of conspiratorial
Science Fiction.
However, my assertions are verifiable, and I’ll explain with supported evidence why the app,
paper or key fob Vaccine passports are not simply a benign and pragmatic global test/vaccine
short term solution, as often touted 6
I will further outline how the passes will act as a precursor for QR code pattern, micro-needle
patch vaccine, embedded just under the top layer of the wrist, as intrinsically allied to a
system of surveillance, control and use of a one world digital currency.
On the opposite end of the spectrum from the covid pass enthusiasts, the case has been made
that the passes could quite easily bring about a dystopian future
However, most are missing a pivotal piece of the puzzle. The relevance of the QR code and
the chilling pandoras box this opens. This facet is kept very quiet indeed and it needs to be
understood and shared.
I hope you will read the following referenced essay, as so much rests upon wider awareness
and action.
Health Passports / Green Passports
Rationale and Functionality
A major part of the future Covid management strategy rests on introducing a QR code “health
passport” - proof of test or vaccine status allied to evidence of Identity, for access to what has
been referred to as the “new normal”. 8
Marketing information for the Irish and front-running U.K health passports, show this remit
may extend to many of our previous rights we took for granted - access to travel, the
workplace, university attendance, medical care, dentistry, major sporting and musical events
and care home visitation access.9
The Israelis were one of the first to use health passports, in order to limit access to gyms,
hotels restaurants and large gatherings.
These passports showed both results of PCR testing and vaccine status, as a key to permitted
use of services and attendance to chosen business and the drive appeared to have been
towards hastening the use of vaccine status as the singular acceptable evidence, when
vaccines were made available to a large cohort of citizens. 10
Israel was one of the countries with the fastest Covid and largest update vaccine roll outs
The Israeli health minister Health Minister, Yuli Edelstein is reported to have encouraged
widespread vaccination “by offering advantages to those who take the shot, and also by
limiting the options of those who don’t”.
He proposed the disincentivising of a testing regime, by for example, indicating that
education workers who refuse the vaccine may have to pay for a virus test every 48 hours if
they wished to continue in employment. 12
Whilst the Covid passes were retired by June 1st in Israel, by early July their re-instatement
was being discussed with reference the rise in cases of the Covid delta variance.1314
In April 2021, Boris Johnson indicated twice weekly testing regimes for those who declined a
vaccine. 15
This followed 2020 U.K. governmental insistence that these passes were not being considered
at all, whilst there is evidence they were had been discussed for use since December 2020. 16
More recently, by the 20th of July 2021, Mr. Johnson stated that proof of negative test status
was no longer sufficient where large numbers gathered indoors “We’re planning to make full
vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather”.
Whilst this may be considered to be alluding to recreational venues only, there are many
other circumstances where large numbers gather indoors, such as large university lecture
halls or large factory floors, which are not and Mr. Johnson explicitly alluded to this being
only the beginning.
As he put it, “I would remind everybody that some of life’s most important pleasures and
opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination.”18
We are also at a point where a medical journal of note, proposes that coercion and jail time
may be acceptable for those who would decline or defer taking a covid vaccine “Penalties or
costs could include withholding of benefits, imposition of fines, provision of community
service or loss of freedoms”. 19
The Irish and U.K based QR code Health Passports, such as Covi Pass and Health Passports
Worldwide (formerly called Health Passports Ireland)20 are a selection of those being
endorsed for international use worldwide right now21
These products show evidence of test results or vaccine status on an App, paper or key-fob
via a QR code type register.
The first-to-market wearable COVID-19 vaccination documentation that tells whether
someone has or hasn’t been vaccinated has also come to market in the form of a bracelet. 22 23
(Interestingly the concept of immune status as featured on the wrist via a wristband, has been
featured in 2 major contagion movies, 2011’s “Contagion” and 2020’s “Songbird”.)2425
Operationally the QR code data can be scanned by a company, organisations or body using
QR code scanners/readers.26
This takes the user to a link authenticating the passport, whereby those who held a digital
certificate with proof of a negative test, antibodies or full vaccination status would be
admitted or given access to services.
Covi Pass, V-Passport Health Passport
RHS - CEO of Covi-Pass, James Louis Davis27 featuring in the VST enterprises COVI-PASS Vaccine Passport in the EU toned
signature colour royal blue (2020). LHS Mr. Davis as photographed with the V.S.T. QR type code wrist tattoo (2017)28
One example of a Health Passport market leader in terms of deals signed for use by
international governments is the U.K. based company, V.S.T. Enterprises, and their V-Health
Passport. (In the U.S branding the same pass is referred to as the “Covi-pass”).
The VST headquartered in Manchester England and operational in over 16 countries. It also
has a distribution base listed in Malahide, Ireland with other partnered testing centres in
Ireland. 30 31
The ROQU groups Irish Health Pass company is perhaps better known in Ireland for it’s
Health Pass Company 32 and a level of questioned business ethics regarding fees accrued for
ventilators in the national press33
- less obliquely so of course on Irish social media
However, I will focus on VST enterprises as an exemplar of an International and Irish based
company since they are more forthcoming on their business agenda in their own marketing
platforms and as commented on in media sources.
The CEO of VST Enterprises Ltd (VSATE) is the 32-year-old entrepreneur Louis James
Davis as featured above in the above industry photos.
Mr. Davis stepped down from a “science & technology ambassadorship” in Zimbabwe,
Africa to focus on the company’s role in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Collaborative Initiative35 involving “cyber technology projects across all 193 member states
of the United Nations.”36
The Covi-pass system displays various health status’ as indicating whether the individual has
tested positive or negative for Covid-19, are due for an updated test or whether they have
been vaccinated.
The user downloads the app and enters key information such as name, address, age and then
identity verification with the biometric data of their fingerprint or a facial scan.
They then take a healthcare professional administered Covid-19 test or covid vaccine, and the
results are scanned into the Covi-pass. From then it was expected the product could be used
to authenticate health status.38
Their ‘True Contact’ system is further one which includes a notification system for when
users have been in contact with one another via alerts, to update each other on test or vaccine
GDPR compliant user information as created including geolocation, time, date and device
type saw the Covi-pass/ V-Health Passport further being marketed as being useful for
potentially also displaying health status, boarding pass, event tickets “or more”.
As their marketing stated, the cyber tech company signed tech deals to supply 50 million
Covi Pass digital health passports to 15 countries back in May 2020 with their third
generation QR code.
The company had patented the advanced QR code system as the VCODE® or “WORLD’S
Deals were secured by as early as April 2020 for use and had the support of U.K. government
and broader international institutions.
As their website states “VSTE is currently using the same technology to work with the
UNITED NATIONS as part of their SDG Collaboratory (Sustainable Development Goals)
program – “to provide a wide range of technology services to 9 billion people by 2030”.
Their QR code can be scanned and read at 100 meters, at all angles and whilst in movement,
said to be an added convenience to scan crowds such as football matches and music events.41
As the company states the QR type app and tech platform, has an “infinite number of
possibilities” and certainly stands as an all-purpose passport and payment system where
cashiers are not necessary for goods and services payment.
The data as a readable stamp, on an app, key fob or paper can be utilised for holding medical
records, passport details, a broad range of health and dental records, cryptocurrency wallet,
payment methods, work and national I.D, education and dental records.
An offshoot VST enterprises company, as connected to VHealth and is Tutum Tech’s Tutum Workplace.
The business is marketed as a one stop shop for guiding a company in evaluation of safety,
testing options, workplace surveillance and control measures for covid business and site
H&S and Occupational Health specialists or an internal team, evaluates and also supports
testing and use of V-passports.
Access is granted or denied to the workplace dependant on results. (This particular web page
does not refer to vaccination at this point).
However, it does describe the use of “Geofencing” a tech which shows “when people logged
onto the system and when they entered the site along with their real-time location when on
site... GPS/Geo-Fencing and gives instant tracking of staff and incidents in either a fixed or
fluid location”.42
(VST China deal, April l 2020)
From Davis Holdings Instagram page
Photo : Options for VST code storable data, alongside
Covid immune status. From 2020 VST website.
Market watch synopsised the products use and it’s the medical segregation it can engender
The idea with these health passports is that the movement and access to services should, in
the name of safety, be limited for those the app designates as positive.
The app will be given authority to whitelist and blacklist individuals based on “its own
medical certificate” data and “third-party medical certificates.”
It is likely that the app will inform bystanders if they’re in a vicinity of someone who is
labelled “positive,” 43
An astute blog post article in The Medium notes, there was just 2 months between the
western lockdowns being announced and the May 8th 2020 statement of the fully formed VST
Covi-pass, Health passport system and internationally signed deals,44 a quite remarkable feat.
This citizen journalism piece by Arron Davidson, was one of many outside of the mainstream
media contextualising a potential for health passport misuse, though there were notable
exceptions, (for example The New York Times). 45
Mr. Davidson referenced a communist Chinese social credit style system extending into
democracies via passport mission creep, while the orthodox press was largely quite silent on
the topic.
Health Passports Internationally
Current Use and general English-speaking media/government reception
By July 2021, the very real possibility of passports for everyday life are no longer mooted as
the imaginings or conversations of the paranoid conspiratorialists.
The idea of facial scanning twinned with proof passport mooted for such casual socialising as
the culturally familiar Irish and U.K. “going down to the pub” is now of course the stuff of
front-page factual reporting.46
In Ireland legislature was voted through on the 13th of July for a covid two tier society system
and formalised as signed into statute books on the 21st of July. This starts as pertaining to the
ruing that only the fully vaccinated or those who have recovered from Covid-19 and their children
can eat and drink indoors.47
The passports, as mentioned, are widely lauded for their potential application in getting
people back to normal, for encouraging uptake of vaccination, for health and safety in
protecting individuals and for supporting a burdened health care system.
The drawbacks typically mentioned in main-stream media, if mentioned at all, are potential
for discrimination, that the science and theoretical assumptions which underpins them is
flawed (re. variants, testing validity, vaccination not significantly proven to hinder
transmission etc.) and the security of ones data is not copper fastened. 48
Multiple European countries as mentioned in the introduction are now using some form of
vaccine passports.49
A majority Yes Eu vote on the roll out of so-called GREEN vaccine/test proof passes in
Europe for travel, occurred on the basis of a short deliberation and a barely signposted EU
bill in March 2021. This was despite a prior prevalent pessimism of its successful passing. 50
As Politico reported:
“MEPs have agreed to fast-track voting on the European Commission’s plan to create a bloc-
wide travel pass that confirms coronavirus vaccination, immunity or testing status.
The Commission unveiled its proposal last week for the so-called digital green certificate,
which is supposed to help re-start robust travel across the bloc.
It has pushed to roll out the certificates swiftly, with plans to have the pass as operational by
Many states in the U.S such as New York, are indicating use of Health passes such as the so-
called Excelsior pass, by summer 2021.
52 53
Cards are currently in use in a voluntary capacity for businesses54, however a Microsoft,
vaccine passport coalition for a unified U.N and U.S supported platform is yet another
prestigiously backed Rockefeller funded Passport for travel and ‘return to normal life’ system
which is in progress. 55
In America, Dr. Anthony Fauci has indicated that the US government would not be rolling it
out on a federal level, however this did not prohibit the kind of de facto mandatory situation
which would occur should it be permitted by industry. As he put it himself :
“I'm not saying that they should or that they would, but I'm saying you could foresee how an
independent entity might say, 'Well, we can't be dealing with you unless we know you're
vaccinated.' But it's not going to be mandated from the federal government”. 56
Confusingly, The WHO have stated cautiously that the passports should not be used, with
regards passport status equity and general issues of data privacy and ethics as for travel, yet
simultaneously recommended vaccine passports for international travel temporarily. 57
They had further indicated that they would be meeting mid-April to consider making that
suggestion permanent., though by July 2020 no updated had been furnished on this. 58
As Hans Kluge, WHO Europe’s regional director explained: “We do not encourage at this
stage that getting a vaccination determines whether you can travel internationally or not”, and
also : “We encourage very strongly, as with any vaccine, that there is documentation, whether
it is paper-based or preferably digital, which is why WHO is working on a smart digital
Vaccine Passport Critics and Push Back
Interestingly by summer 2021 multiple state governors in the U.S. had taken a remarkably
firm stand against the health passports and subsequently enacted laws that banned certain
requirements based on COVID-19 inoculation status, such as so-called ‘vaccine passports’.
States which passed this legislation, included Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho and Florida. 60
Whilst a deep dive on the potential for mission creep and serious misuse has begun to receive
some mainstream media airtime, the most notable figures and civil rights bodies speaking out
typically need to utilise their own social media platforms or the permitted outer fringes of
mainstream media.
Naomi Wolf, Feminist author and former political consultant for Bill Clinton and Al Gore,
has been unequivocal on her criticisms of the Vaccine passports61:
I can not say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if
this plan unfolds as planned.
“Vaccine passport” sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what these platforms can
do. I'm the CEO of a tech company, I understand what this platform does. It is not about the
vaccine or the virus, it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other
functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.
What that means is that can be merged with your Paypal account, digital currency, Microsoft
is talking about merging it with payment plans, your networks can be sucked up, it geolocates
you wherever you go. All of your medical history can be included -- this has already
happened in Israel.
And six months later, we're hearing from activists that it is a two-tiered society and basically
activists are ostracized and surveyed continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are
trying to roll it out around the world.
It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass, it is -- I can not stress enough that it has
the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be
The U.K. Civil liberties organisation, Big Brother Watch, also warned of draconian
segregation and voiced profound unease with the system, it’s genesis, aims and
wrongheadedness in its 39 page report.62
Former Pfizer science chief and ex Pfizer VP, Dr Mike Yeadon, concurred with these lines of
criticism. 64
Despite his eminent academic credentials and history in vaccinology he was rarely invited to
discuss same in mainstream media print and T.V.65
Instead Dr. Yeadon had to voice his increasing alarm via his own social media, independent
social media interviews and independent non-censorial video platforms.66
The lowry institute, a prestigious Australian think tank, spelled out the implications China’s
covid related cyber powered social control capabilities, with potential implications for human
rights worldwide, in their meticulous 54-page analysis.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has emboldened Beijing to expand its use of digital technologies
in the name of public health and safety. From mass surveillance, tracking intelligence, and
internet censorship to the use of social credit systems, augmented data-collection capabilities,
and big data, China’s new normal exposes and expands encroachments on civil liberties.”67
Among one of many things which may not have helped quell the unease - that vaccine
passports were not simply crisis-reactive solution technology happenstance, was the
The provable assertions that a vaccine travel passport had been in the research and planning
stages since 2018, designated as finishing with a Europe wide citizen “vaccine passport for
all” by 2022. 68 69 70
link to vaccine passport strategy details as per above screengrab 71
Vaccine passports since 201872
As can be seen there is much to discuss in terms of ethics and civil rights versus
responsibilities, with the potential for gross misuse being signalled at this point by amongst
others, a notable academic, prestigious scientist, and a variety of civil liberties groups
regarding a QR Card, App or Laynard.
Unfortunately, the situation is potentially significantly worse than those speaking out
anticipate, as predicated on the proposition of a Qr code app, papers or key fob.
Consider the implication of a QR code system with all of the same rights and “freedoms”
assigned, all of the same potential “infinite possibilities” for use in banking and everyday life.
However instead of that system of rights or prohibition being allied exclusively to a vaccine,
or test status on an app card or lanyard or passport, it is instead a status and data that is
embedded on an individual’s own wrist?
The QR code “Quantum Dot Tattoo”
sub-dermal vaccine patch
“Will Travel be safer by 2022” 73
Notably a product in development over the last decade and trailed in recent times, is a
nanoparticle Vaccine with a QR code pattern, which is “tattooed” sub dermally within the
It is not a marking visible to the naked eye, but rather visible with the use of a simple scanner
device. 75
The “Quantum Dot Tattoo” Vaccine product, was created after research and development, via
the Gates Foundation / G.A.V.I/ Accenture / Microsoft Trust Stamp / The Rockefeller
Foundation and other associations plus alliances.76
Its stated goals being to support the under privileged and unbanked of Asia and Africa.77
The product is the ID2020 “Quantum Dot Tattoo” (the ID prefix referring to “identity”).78
It is quite possibly being re-named and re-branded and lose as the so-called SMART vaccine
patch, developed in Swansea, as associated by the Gates funded Imperial college, U.K..79
This is the microneedle vaccine patch, which adheres to the wrist or hand.
M.I.T. upon the direct request of Mr. Gates oof Microsoft and philanthropy fame, worked to
develop the QR code pattern - a so called “invisible” pattern, utilising luciferase, (a
luminescent enzyme of a fruit fly). 80
The vaccine encodes medical information in a patient's skin using near-infrared quantum dots
(NIR QDs) — invisible to the naked eye but detectable when exposed to near-infrared light.
A scanner device application of an optimised phone with filters can then “read” this
There are said to be multiple advantages to the microneedle patch, including the fact they are
perceived as near painless, do not require the cold storage many vaccines require, nor perhaps
even medical or administering personnel as they can be self-applied. 81
One concerning aspect of a QR based “Health passport” becomes evident in light of this.
That is that in time citizens who have had the early Covid injectable vaccines, may be
required to sign up to using the eminently more convenient tech readable QR code “Quantum
Dot Tattoo” Vaccine as a booster or in the form a “new and improved” pandemic times
There are legitimate concerns about the enormous erosion of civil liberties this could
constitute and valid fears about the societal coercion to accept a “warp speed” experimental
Covid vaccine or at a future date a QR code “Quantum Dot” Vaccine.
If we accept the use of health passports for tests, plus then the Covid vaccines, the
widespread necessity to use QR code-based evidence for daily living is normalised and fully
Those who prefer to delay or decline a Covid vaccine and perhaps the future QR based
vaccines, would be quite severely precluded from societal interaction and the former access
to goods/ services taken for granted in modern democracies.
A further look into the nature of the Quantum Dot Tattoo is useful, to evaluate just how likely
this biologic is to be brought to international market, for widespread or mandatory use and
later, how this biologic is associated with surveillance tech and digital banking.
Articles describing the Gates 1D2020 Quantum Dot tattoo, were not explicit on what the
exact “pattern” the tattoo microneedle patch would embed into the skin.
80 This is a sensationalist type claim I’m aware, it’s the factually correct term for a luminescent product which
was likely not expected to have had worldwide attention. As an agnostic, who’s primary concern is health and
informed consent, I have no interest in engaging with this topic, but it would be remiss not to state exactly how a
product can be read by scanner in a technical sense.
81 "Microneedle-based patches could even be self-administered which would dramatically hasten roll-out and
Recently however a BBC travel article cited a M.I.T. Researcher say they were working on a
QR codes for the tattoo vaccine.82 (Quite surprisingly this paragraph was later edited out
when I returned to reread it), though the context of travel remains in the article. 83
However, a 2019 article also referred M.I.T’s use of a bar code QR code on pig skin and
cadaver skin in earlier trials84
Rice university too, as referenced have referred to “something like a bar code” being used
(and the QR code is an updated form of bar code85
Kevin Mc Hugh stated in News Rice edu:
The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation came to us and said ‘We have a real problem -
knowing who's vaccinated [...] so our idea was to put the record on the person. This way
people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give the ones
still needed’.
The Gates / GAVI / Cepi/ ID2020 / WHO supported Quantum Dot vaccine is currently being
trialled in Africa86, (though the use of these biometrics and vaccine testing in the continent is
not without controversy). 87 88
Vaccine needle sub dermal patches. 89
It’s clear international media and government are supportive of the widespread use of a Covid
vaccine for return, as Bill Gates put it, to the “New Normal”.
This is despite the fact that the genome DNA and mRNA covid vaccine front runners, come
with all the attendant risks of a “high speed”, experimental vaccine and technology.
83 I had fortunately taken screen grabs on the day of reading it, as added in isolating the researchers’ paragraphs.
Please see as attached and circled in red.
DNA and mRNA vaccines were never before given widespread approval for human use,
despite decades of study.
This was because of significant associations in animal trials of adverse effects, tumours and
chronic autoimmunity and other significant risks, for example, with relation to the novel
CRISPR technology and unchecked scientific ethics.
90 91
Issues around safety was also in fact voiced publicly in relation to the covid vaccines, by
well-known figures in vaccinology and Covid health strategy, outside of just pre-eminent
silenced critics such as Dr.. Mike Yeadon.
Paul Offit, Peter Hotez and even Doctor Fauci, warned that any new coronavirus vaccine
could trigger a dangerous or even lethal immune reactions from a “vaccine enhancement,” -
an auto immune response after vaccinated people come in contact with the wild virus. 94 95 96
There are also valid concerns around the risk of Pathogenic Priming/ A.D.E. in light of Sars
Cov 2 prior animal studies and the risks of vaccine potentiation has been a primary concern in
terms of unmitigated negative consequences. .98 99 100 101 102
90 This is the hard-to-swallow truth about a future coronavirus vaccine (and yes, I'm a doctor) | The Independent
That is with the possibility of severe negative affect, whereby the immune system overreacts
on exposure to subsequent coronavirus with a massive hyper inflammatory response, a
“cytokine storm”, which can lead to multi-organ failure and death. 103 104
This response in the animal trials was not temporarily related – that means that the adverse
reaction did not occur within hours or days, with a time lag of up to 18 months between shot
and adverse effect.
Therefore, it’s been asserted that this reactivity if observed in the population, could quite
easily be categorised as a vaccine failure, the result of a more virulent strain, or the grounds
for emphasising the need for boosters, to enhance diminished vaccine protection.105
It is clearly therefore worth asking why nations would move from offering the more
traditional form of injectable Covid vaccine, to a QR code nanoparticle Vaccine and how far
along this new product is in research and development (R&D)?
Transient viruses, such as each year's flu shot, typically mutate, so it’s not a giant leap that
the single strain Covid vaccine is deemed as potentially inadequate in time? (This sentence
was written in fall 2020 and has since of course transpired). 106
Just such a new vaccine, proposed to have wider application, was quite far along in R&D
though it faced setbacks.
This vaccine is referred to as the “Universal Flu” vaccine.107 It is not a giant leap to posit the
suggestion that citizens would be better “protected” against multiple strains of the
coronavirus and have enormous government and industry backing, towards roll out of the
“Universal Flu Vaccine” - a product which was at one point expected to be ready by 2021. 108
Interestingly, Geert Vanden Bossche, prominent vaccine researcher, virologist and GAVI /
Gates foundation industry affiliate109 has ostensibly been very publicly sounding his alarm
about impending catastrophe as related to the international Covid Vaccine rollout. (He has
also attracted criticism for the science behind same). 110
110 https://37b32f5a-6ed9-4d6d-b3e1-
Of interest most here though, is that Mr. Vanden Bossche had signposted as an alternative
which would not be subject to issues around mutating viruses, himself with reference to the
“UniFlu” vaccine.
The Uniflu product is actually one which Mr. Vanden Bossche has much expertise in research
and development - which could be said to invite questions around professional conflict of
interest and lack of transparency since it seeds demand for a product he has been involved
At this point the “Quantum Dot Tattoo” QR code vaccine may be proposed as vehicle for
same, especially as Dr. Fauci has worked on the board of the Gates Foundation and is likely
supportive of the Quantum Dot associations strategy.112
Furthermore, industry funding and investment increases its likelihood of reaching market,
since billions have been spent of this vaccine.
Mainstream media, particularly in the U.S. are now engaged in discussing the potential for
hacking or “faking” of QR code app/ fob/ paper systems, when deemed an intrinsic covid re-
entry required passport. 113 114
It is plausible that it could be asserted that the only sure-fire way to close the loophole of
faked QR code evidence, would be to have biologically embedded evidence.
This is proof which can neither be tampered with, stolen, faked, or lost.
There are a selection of reasons why other options may not have been considered, such as
adding a QR code to a passport or driving licence.
Taking just one major western democracy, as an example, in the U.S. just 43% of the
population have a passport. 116 and whilst 89% have a drivers’ licence, these are for an adult
demographic of over 16’s.
Drivers’ licences are certainly subject to a higher risk of being tampered with than a passport
(and both are easily lost were they to be necessary for use in everyday life).
There is also however, a precedent for discussion and strategy around vaccination and digital
identity solutions internationally.
A digital identity system, as tied to a vaccine, was proposed by vaccine alliance members, for
assisting the worlds disadvantaged children internationally, as outlined in a 2018 ID2020
article entitled “Immunization: an entry point for digital identity”.
Within the piece, it’s stated that “Globally, an estimated 95% of children receive at least one
dose of some vaccine” “creating a significant opportunity to scale digital identity”.
The piece highlighted the same kinds of issues as per covid papers, laynards or cards, “paper
records kept within a clinic are often difficult to analyze and the immunization cards given to
families are prone to loss and inaccuracies.”
Prior to this, in an article from Nature in 2017, “Immunization needs a technology boost”
stated that digital identity as allied to vaccination, was imperative to vaccination and global
health goals. 120
“Tens of millions of children have no formal record of their existence — especially those
living in remote, impoverished or vulnerable communities. This global identity crisis is so
important that it has its own indicator (number 16.9) under the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) intended to ensure that everyone has a legal identity by 2030.”
At the time of publishing, the article referenced a trial whereby an identity marker with a chip
which could be read by an optimised phone and filter, was being trialled on children in
“A necklace worn by infants contains a unique identification number on a short-range
communication chip. Community health workers can scan the chip using a mobile phone,
enabling them to update a child’s digital record even in remote areas with little phone
So, looking back retrospectively, we can see that vaccines and digital identity solutions were
very much at the centre of a global health conversation prior to 2020/21 when the Quantum
Dot tattoo biometrics identity as tied to covid vaccines became a possibility.
In October 2020, Bill Gates said life can get “back to normal” only when a *second
generation* of Covid-19 vaccines is widely available and the virus is eradicated worldwide –
a higher bar than was set for any disease in history and it appears as this is the script that has
been followed internationally since that time. 121
But how does all of this tie in with technology, surveillance, and banking? (A question and
inferred statement of fact, that at first glance certainly stretches credulity).
The evidence shows that the vaccine is in fact, allied to identifying data and digital banking
in a multi system product.
The nanoparticle, QR code Vaccine, is being trialled to store data such as birth records,
education records and a so-called identity “solution”.
This is evident in an MIT report, published in December 2019 in Science Translational
Medicine, confirmed that ; “intradermal QDs can be used to reliably encode information and
can be delivered with a vaccine, which may be particularly valuable in the developing world
and open up new avenues for decentralized data storage and biosensing.”
This was proposed as advantageous for low-income citizens and the vaccine, a medical
biologic all children get in developing countries, is regarded as a convenient vehicle to tie in
with biometric data unalterable identification metrics.
That’s in the form of an Iris scan plus digital finger printing, hence the name ID2020 (an
identity system).
Microsoft donated $1 million to the ID2020 Alliance in September 2019 seeking to "leverage
immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity" and to use biometrics to improve
vaccine coverage in developing nations.
MasterCards TrustStamp is working currently in association with ID2020, to introduce a
digital banking system, which ties into the Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine.123 124
This is purported to be helpful for citizens in developing nations who struggle with access to
banking, “the great unbanked” in need of digital banking, plus access easy international
money transfer.125
Though the competition for provision of a singular unifying digital currency is evident and
the orthodox banking system appear to be strategizing their own allied trajectory to their own
crypto or digital currency, so the field is somewhat in flux 126
2020/21 saw massive international upgrades of higher capacity in telecommunications
technology (5,6,7,8G etc), Elon Musks satellites, plus Amazons top tier security services.
These could conceivably be required to hold significant amount of covid medical data in the
cloud, or to support new bio surveillance systems in a secure manner, all purported to be
particularly necessary for Covid strategy into the future. 129 130 131
At this point issues of data collection, storage and privacy plus it’s inter-country operability
is at discussion stages and somewhat in flux.
132 133
As mentioned, one of the current “Health Passports” in the form of an app, card or key fob,
can in some instances be read from an optimised phone at 100 metres and at any angle (the
This begs the question – is it plausible that the QR code sub dermal vaccine could be read and
analysed, and details stored by optimized technology in the same way by business, education,
transport and in the job sphere or with mission creep, used during citizen protest assembly’s
ostensibly for “security” purposes?
If it did come to pass, that a further wave and repeated lockdown engendered public backing
for a more secure stamp to indicate ones vaccine status and key to normalcy, this would be a
very different kind of society than had come before for the modern democracies.
One involving unprecedented levels of technological surveillance and controls, allied with a
digital banking system, which further makes a cashless society functionally plausible.
As mentioned, one of the factors which could lead to a call for a more secure verification
system is a succession of virus mutations, especially were one to have significantly higher
positive numbers, hospitalisations and/or fatalities.
Were the results of a widespread long terms vaccine adverse effects to become evident, might
this be read as the result of a viral mutation, versus, for example the plausible consequence of
a warned vaccine pathogenic priming autoimmune response?
Blame for this outbreak could be ascribed to the small numbers of those who have declined or
delayed the covid vaccine or delayed in good faith or said to have been bad actors and hacked
the QR system to their advantage?
The attraction of the entirely secure verification becomes clearly more evident were both of
these eventualities to have transpired in a close time period.
An appropriate question to ask would be, how the majority could conceivably become in
favour of a digital currency system as allied to a vaccine stamp.
Without the circumstances of economic disadvantage, surely data protection and civil
liberties, would trump the convenience factor in modern democracies.
In a problem, reaction, solution model, a digital currency that was unimpeachable un-
hackable and tightly allied to our identity would only become highly attractive were the
traditional banking system having come under threat in a cybersecurity sense.
Or cash to have somehow lost its familiar attraction.
There are two very plausible mechanisms by which this is possible.
The first is the narrative that cash, as a frequently passed form of paper and metal, is cited as
being a vector of Covid transmission.134
This gained enormous international traction in the mainstream media and among the general
public, so much so that it is easily observes on the city high street where businesses signpost
their preference for card over cash, at the point of sale, with reference to “Covid Safety”.
The second is based upon the international security warnings, that an international hacking
event could destabilises banking and services in an unprecedented digital virus hacking event.
(Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations just to recall, were co-sponsors of Event
201, a pandemic planning exercise that became reality just a few months later).136
In June 2021 The World Economic Forum held an event to prepare for a digital virus called
the “Global Polygon” in light of fears for an event which would they alleged would make the
Covid Virus appear as an insignificance in comparison. 137
This was predicated on a November 2020, World Economic Forum (WEF) and Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace co-produced report.138 One which warned that the global
financial system was increasingly vulnerable to debilitating cyber-attacks.
They advocated for an alliance of Wall Street banks, their regulators and intelligence
agencies as necessary to confront an allegedly imminent cyber-attack which could collapse
the existing financial system.
The acceleration of the international banking from paper and coin, towards a digital platform
would clearly be considered more plausible were such a strongly predicted event to occur.
The intersection of the current top-down fascination with the connectivity of technologies and
medical diagnostics / treatments with re-ordered societal structure and functioning has
merited much analysis by sceptical citizen journalists who access the freedom of the
uncensored social media to express concerns.
Allegations abound the World Economic Forums enthusiasm towards orchestrating an
alliance between the so-called internet of things and the Internet of bodies, which
unfortunately beyond the scope of this essay but worth close attention with themes such as
the transhumanism and technology. 139
The ostensible virus health “solution” could be characterised pragmatic digital child-
trafficking/abuse solution to make it an even more palatable strategy.
One of the U.N.s stated sustainable development goals as mentioned is to protect children
“from abuse, exploitation and trafficking”.140
As referred to previously - the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, stressed
its commitment to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030.
With 1.1 billion people living without identity, ID2020 would be faced with a a challenge to
roll this out aggressively in this time frame with their goals to go beyond providing an official
birth certificate to people in impoverished countries.
According to their official site, “A unique convergence of trends provides an unprecedented
opportunity to make a coordinated, concerted push to provide digital ID to everyone,”
When you read further, these ‘trends’ include rising global connectivity, emerging
technologies such as blockchain and biometrics and a global call for a “New model of ID.”
ID2020 have in fact furthered strategic partnerships with organizations whose primary
functions are digital financial services and applying solutions for a completely digital user-
friendly wallet.
Everest, announced at the Davos, Switzerland 2019 World Economic Forum ID2020’s first
‘Certification Mark for digital identity solutions,’ Kiva Protocol and Gravity.Earth. 141
If the technology were there to both ensure childhood vaccination, including a covid vaccine,
alongside an embedded identity marker, this would be a perfect “solution”, to ensure child
safety from exploitative child traffickers.
What we have for now, therefore is a position whereby those that those fearful for their health
will only be “safe” when regular testing / a proven universal vaccine facilitates this.
If this solution comes WITH a side of bio/ data surveillance for a digital identity system and
digital banking, it’s more than many perhaps bargained for at the offset but may accept.
And using the Problem / Reaction / Solution model, one can also work backwards from the
solution to the problem, with the genuinely concerning child trafficking issue and see that the
same ends are plausible as an can’t-say-no resolution.
If the QR code based Health Passports go ahead, it’s epoch changing. The workplace, the
streets and seats of education normalised as sites of surveillance.142
To recap, it’s also a quite dystopian vista for those who value the rights, independence and
heath / civil liberty freedoms we took for granted in a modern democracy.143
If an individual were deemed to have published commentary critical of their government, had
attended a peaceful march or behaved in a manner deemed somehow inappropriate, could this
system negatively affect their rights and their privacy?
It’s evident that with a digital banking system certainly, there is great ease in fines applied
with immediacy, as withdrawn from an individual's account for examine, (versus withheld
cash money until arbitration, if deemed an unfair verdict).
With an identity stamp and facial recognition tech, tied to one’s immune status, there is the
possibility of significant reduced privacy, potential restrictions on movement imposed in a
much more draconian fashion than the traditional road block etc.
Autocratic/ communist regimes would be empowered to take advantage of enhanced
surveillance and financial digital data systems to oppress critical journalists, academics or
opposing politicians.
And is there even more to it that this? Could our actions or behaviours be monetised or
stratified in terms of commerce as some claim.
Alison McDowell is an enormously articulate and incisive analysts of the globalist agenda,
the powerful think tanks such as the World Economic Forum and monolithic Silicon Valley
Her contention on this topic is very well worth reading: , “the broader intent behind coerced
adoption of biometric digital identities is to link individuals and communities to smart sensor
networks, digital currency, and impact investing – human capital futures markets in
measurable behaviour change tied to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. 145
Microsoft’s Patent WO606060146 of March 2020, refers to a type of “Human body activity
associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency
system and refers to the possibility of employing “any other sensor or scanner that can
measure or sense body activity or scan human body”.
It is very opaquely written for the non-engineer/lawyer, but from my reading, it feasibly
appears to fit the possibility of incentivising actions or offering employment facilitated by
biometrics and paid into that which is biometric and QR code affiliated.
Will Business Owners Embrace QR code commerce?
A final and necessary piece to this puzzle for a vista like this to come to pass, is the necessary
co-operation of businesses and commerce plus private industry.
And this is in fact occurring, as the technology is observable embraced for the first time in a
rapid uptake fashion outside of China.
Ireland has recently signed in legislation to require bars and restaurants to police covid
vaccine and immune status, though the fine print “how” of this is still being discussed. 147
Analysis of this Health Amendment Bill by Irish solicitor Tracey O’Mahoney, explains how
legislation permits for extension beyond the locus of bars and restaurants and into many other
indoor spaces. 148
Personally, I have observed QR codes becoming very widespread on cards, letterheads,
business windows in local bars, airports, government buildings etc in the last 2 months!
By summer 2020, I was told in 2 restaurants in Spain, that it was illegal for them now to
supply customers with a menu.
I was directed to use my QR code feature on my phone, to connect their QR code affixed to
the dining table in order to view the businesses fare.
148 (at 5:20)
Perhaps as Edward Snowden put it, we should be careful of an “Architecture of Oppression”
being put in place in Covid times, from which we could not return from.149
This entire QR code future system starts with the widespread international accepting or
refusal of a QR code “Health Passport”.
If we look now at Irelands nearest neighbour, the U.K, there has already been a 100 million
operation, for the roll out strategy of these “Health Passports” nationwide (“Operation
Moonshot”, see in links).150
And by spring 2021, the first European vote towards a Green passport, QR proof of negative
covid PCR test or Covid vaccination status proof was for travel, was passed by a majority at a
U.N vote, segueing into the withholding of access to indoor services.152
What occurs for those without a Health Passport QR code for proof, first of the test status,
then proof of experimental “warp speed” covid shot, later supplanted by Quantum dot
vaccine skin stamped status?
Those who delay or decline and their families who do likewise may be unable to buy, sell,
move freely, assemble with others – they may be shunned, fined or threatened with
They are likely to become societal cast outs, in a bizarre new Totalitarian Covid system
management apartheid.
Will the dominant social system be one which, after the fact, people notice inexplicably align
with the values of the World Economic Forum and United Nations, a topic unfortunately well
beyond the scope of this essay to detail in any further, but very much worth researching. 153
154 155 156
Hopefully there will be a greater awakening, amongst those who perhaps later become
increasingly uncomfortable with covid management strategy and allied “new order”
landscapes, notoriously promoted in the W.E.C. advertising as the fiscal reshaping that “We
will own nothing and be happy”.157?
And a closer analysis too of primary material to evaluate what stands behind the ostensibly
noble goals of the “Great Reset”, the “5th Industrial Revolution” and U.N. 17 Goals
respectively is occurring in unlikely places.
Perhaps the vista detailed in this essay may prompt further questions as to Quo Bono (“who
benefits”) beyond the obvious, such as pharmaceutical profits.
And if further questions do arise regarding underlying ideologies being advanced, then these
are the further threads abve worth following, for those who haven’t done so already
For now, those who are informed and have valid reasons to be concerned, really do need to
take action.
Where Do We Go From Here ?
Dr. Mike Yeadon former Pfizer Vice President and Chief of Science 159
I hope we can discuss and debate this issue individually and collectively in detail and push
back against a QR code, seemingly benign “Health passport”, system becoming mandatory.
159 Dr. Mike Yeadon
could-put-us-under-total-control/Dr. Mike Yeadon Video -
Personally, I’ll be sharing this widely on social media, to journalists, lawyers, rights groups,
certain politicians and to the business community, plus boycotting any service or business
who uses it.
I'll be learning common law, as I've been informed that it's a very intelligible system, which
can go a long way to help protect myself, my family and my business and even legally
perhaps to prevent some of the actions that are strategized. (I'm at an early point in my
research on same or I would have shared more on this).
Perhaps there is the possibility for groups to come together in various interest groups or
industries and crowdfund legal cases towards foiling this endeavour?
I hope others can please consider some of these actions too and I know many are doing this
(and so much more!:).
I am one person with a very small social media presence and a small business sending out an
essay but know that even a small dedicated few can make all the difference in the world.
If you are also concerned and haven not engaged with this issue before, but would now like to
be proactive, please choose any or all of the strategies that work for you to help quash the QR
System, with all it ushers in.
It certainly feels to me, now we near mid-2021, that we're running out of time, that being
complacent or hoping someone else will fix this will lead us and our loved ones into a very
dark place.
So as the saying goes perhaps this is the time to really tune into the maxim:
"If not you, who?
If not now, when"?
Every voice and every action count and if that happens, there is no reason the ordinary decent
human centred majority can't thwart the ideologies and objectives of the quite clearly
manipulative and dangerous minority.
If I have sent this by email and you have found it at all useful, you are most welcome to share
in its unedited whole.
And if you are on social media and would like to make a STORY on this issue, I have many
more illustrative easy images I can pass on for you to share this in a compelling, simple way
that people can grasp. Please don’t hesitate to email me back and request them.
Take care and hope to see us all on the other side of the darkness some day ! : )
Anne Monaghan
All Rights Reserved. © July 2021