US Border Assembly

The concept for this event is ongoing as the production ran into political "red-tape" securing event venue. *

 "Americans are taking matters into their own hands.  That's what this is.  Lock America's borders down!  This is the result of Joe Biden's horribly failed open border policy." 

-T. A., Idaho Rancher

Organize NOW!  America's southern border is totally dysfunctional.  It is by and large in a state of chaos.  Functionally... it simply does not exist.  In 2024, Americans will be taking a stand.  The initial projected date for this event was February 10, 2024 (as seen on flier).  The date and location (venue) are being re-scheduled.  Please be advised. 

Jim owns a 50,000 acre ranch.  It sits on the US border in southern Arizona.  It has been invaded by the Sinaloa cartel. The cartel has look-out soldiers on Jim's ranch hilltops.  They monitor all trafficking, US border patrol movement and they know where Jim is on his ranch - at all times.  Naturally Jim is somewhat concerned about the safety of he and his family.  That means his life.  Joe Biden does nothing. 

US ranchers are gathering to protect Jim and the American borders.  

The American media will congregate in Mescal, AZ February 10th to witness and send a message to the corruption in DC that is causing today's border dysfunction.  The message sent 3pm of October 26, 1881 at the OK Corral in Tombstone, AZ by Wyatt Earp - is due to reverberate around our nation once again.  It is not only time to take back America - it is time to lay the law down in our country. 

The US Border Assembly event will send a clear message nationally and internationally that American Constitutional Republicans (The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic) and its patriots are assembling, gathering, and networking to eradicate this criminal outlaw behavior.   

America is laying its law down.  

If you would like to become an event sponsor, contribute a donation to our auction dinner, suggest a speaker or contribute in another way, please contact here

100% of donations currently go toward event operations and organization.  Per all event efforts, venue and date are subject to change.  Thank you for your support and understanding toward aking America Great!


Kathleen Winn

Jim Chilton

Jeff Zink

Darin Gaub

Meghan Walsh

Brooks Agnew

Emily Peterson

Lee Zeldin 


Leo Zacky

Bianca Gracia

Johnathon Alexander

Amy Coello

Jack J. Fernandes

Fred Miramontes

Michelle Peterson