"We Must Demand Discussions of Truth" 


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"Americans are taking matters into their own hands.  That's what this is.  Lock America's borders down!  This event is the result of Joe Biden's horribly failed open border policy." 

-T. A., Idaho Rancher

Jim owns a 50,000 acre ranchIt sits on the US border in southern ArizonaIt has been invaded by the Sinaloa cartel. The cartel has look-out soldiers on Jim's ranch hilltops.  They monitor all trafficking, US border patrol movement and they know where Jim is on his ranch - at all times.  Naturally Jim is somewhat concerned about the safety of he and his family.  That means his life.  Joe Biden does nothing. 

US ranchers are gathering to protect Jim and the American borders.  

The American media will congregate in Mescal, AZ February 10th to witness and send a message to the corruption in DC that is causing today's border dysfunction.  The message sent 3pm of October 26, 1881 at the OK Corral in Tombstone, AZ by Wyatt Earp - is due to reverberate around our nation once again.  It is not only time to take back America - it is time to lay the law down in our country. 

The US Border Assembly event will send a clear message nationally and internationally that American Constitutional Republicans (The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic) and its patriots are assembling, gathering, and networking to eradicate this criminal outlaw behavior.   

America is laying its law down.  

Projected events, 2024:  Boise, ID / Las Vegas, NV / Dallas, TX / Chicago, IL / Miami, FL / Anaheim, CA

Brought to you by USA Truth Tour LLC.  A grass roots national freedom movement to Take Back America from the Globalist banking Deep State


"Constitutional Republicans must act with a sense of urgency against this lawless socialist revolution destroying  America today."

- Ian Hamilton Trottier  

With Biden's "Border Czar", Kamala Harris and the Cuban-socialist, Alejandro Mayorkas flooding our southern border with radical middle-east terrorist groups, drugs, Chinese spies, cartel activity and child trafficking, America is beyond a turning point.   We are in a communist revolution.   Peril.  I am asking for your donation today.   

Right now US institutions such as Harvard, Penn, Columbia, Georgetown, Tulane, UCLA are growing ever-more anti-Isreal.  This is a danger to our Republic and the world.  My movement works to expose the frauds that have been masked before the American people.  Read this truth here.   

Please send your contributions now to this pro-American / pro-Israel / pro-Constitution / pro-Freedom / pro-Republic movement now - and, together we will build the USA Freedom and Truth Tour to take back America and change DC.

On September 29th, 2023 in Baker City, Oregon, the event Take Back Oregon commenced.  This event was the culmination of 2.5 months of organizing and planning by Ian and a team in Oregon.  The objective was to rally the base of Constitutional Conservatives in Eastern Oregon.   This movement is morphing into a broader effort to promote Constitutional values such as: Free Speech, Free Press, Free Religion and Right to Bear Arms.  

Projected locations for USA Truth Tour stops in 2024: Oregon, California, Arizona and Texas.  Please contact Ian for more information or if you'd like to organize a tour stop to your area.   Donate here or contact Ian now.