
"This is an amazing article." 

- Jeff Zink, US Congressional candidate.  AZ,  3rd District. 


September 15, 2024

Reagan.  A MAGA puppet?  Play devil's advocate for a moment.  

About 18 months ago I was approached by an associate of mine in Florida about getting involved in a post-production project that involved Dennis Quaid called Reagan.   The efforts put together a 5 member team from Florida to Montana.  The objective was not obtained and the post-production  efforts took a different road but, what was realized from the team conferencing was that a Conservative media guild, of sorts, was needed in America today.   That Reagan project was recently released (see movie poster to the left). 

There are some great political minds that have come out of California.  Ronald Reagan is one of them.  Richard Nixon may be considered another.   Clint Eastwood, another.   And certainly men like John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jon Voight, Tom Selleck and Mark Wahlberg (all considered Conservative politically) have made their careers on the heels of Hollywood, CA.   The irony of course is that California is today considered DNC territory.  But, I will say, for instance, I am a Californian born and raised.  So, all may not be what it appears at the root of the California Republic (see flag). 

The release of the Reagan film is proving just how positive of an effect Ronald Reagan had on the development of the USA as a country, and how his life and work still do shape its politics.  But, lets take a moment and consider the hidden mechanics that seem to be moving in what many refer to as the Shadow Government.  

I'm going to hit on: banking, vaccines and the UN.  All of which, I see as being a threat to American freedom today.  What happened during the Reagan presidency that the recent biopic may not be hitting on.  

The findings may apaul you.  

Hegelian Dialectic - creating political opposites in a nation. 

A few years ago Discussions of Truth co-interviewed historian and theologian Eric John Phelps.   From that time with Phelps I went on to investigate a bit more about how he defined the "Deep State".  Early on in my own research after being exposed to the "ZIKA virus" in Miami Beach of 2016, I started studying former Stanford Hoover fellow, Antony Sutton.   Hegelian Dialectic was one thing that stuck with me over the years.  That is, "controlling the opposites to dominate the nature of the outcome".   Sound like US politics today?   Controlling opposites.   First you've got to create opposites (a 2 party system).  Then you control it  economically (skyrocketing deficit - to a point of no return).   Sutton wrote extensively about the corruption in Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank.  Phelps, took a theological angle, rooting corruption in DC to the religious struggles of the early founders of New England... and those still existing today.  America at its root of existence is a Protestant nation.   Could combing the two make sense (theology and economics)?   That is:  a bank controlling American theology through politics.   Objectively,  yes.   Essentially, therefore, if DC was controlled by the regulatory policies of the Federal Reserve, and if (it) was essentially controlled by a foreign entity: the City of London (which controls the Bank of England... yet not technically part of England - it is its own sovereign nation), then who controls the City of London?  My research shows that it is essentially controlled by various Roman entities that are tied to the Vatican.  This today through the post WWI (1930) creation called the Bank of International Settlements of Basel, Switzerland.  Those of you in Miami should be thinking, yes, Art Basel.  Rome: therefore, theology.  If all of this is true, and indeed, "All roads lead to Rome" than, the Reagan years were a major conquest for the Vatican.  

Note: The Bank of International Settlements regulates all central banks globally.  Those include the US Federal Reserve, the City of London/Bank of England, the Russian and Chinese central banks.  

From 1867 to 1984, the US government had abolished diplomatic ties with the Vatican.   Reagan re-established them.   Quote (source):  

The United States maintained consular relations with the Vatican from 1797 to 1848, after which it entered into full diplomatic relations for 20 years.

But in 1867, Congress barred the use of federal funds to continue those relations in response to a move in Italy to reunite the independent Papal States with the rest of the country. Since 1870, the Vatican had consisted only of the 108 acres that serve as the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

As a city-state, Vatican City in 1983 had fewer than 1,000 citizens; it nonetheless issued its own license plates and postage stamps.

Furthermore, consider the Covid years and the strong anti-vax movement.  It was under Reagan that the Vaccine Injury Act was passed.  That Act protects Big Pharma from being sued.  Since, Im hitting out to left field right now for some of you, let me quickly visit the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1903).   According to Leo H Lehmann the Elders of Zion are a Jesuit created facade created to govern Israel (think: Balfour Declaration of 1917).  Hence, the Learned Elders are not Jewish. Protocol 10 calls for the "innoculation of diseases" to the masses.  Was Covid and its vaccine(s) man-made?  If so, to who's agenda do the efforts align?  

Prior to getting back to Reagan, let me broaden the scope a bit and introduce the UN into discussion.  

Now consider this:  the USA was invaded decades ago by a foreign government. So sophisticated they are actually not a “government”.  Its called the United Nations.  If the above banking connection is true, Rome has used Switzerland as an identity shelter to persuade economic political action in (protestant based) governments.   Is that inflitration showing its fruits in American politics today?  According to Phelps, yes.  The UN has essentially a communist agenda - that is, leading by all administrative power on top and a very small middle ground (class), with the masses acting and following accordingly.  


Americans today essentially have 2 sides from which to politically choose from.  This is by design.  Hegelian Dialectic.  Reagan, a former Democract (like Trump), became a staunch conservative representing the Republican party.  In 2015 I went to pre-candidacy Trump rallies in Miami where I heard him (Donald Trump) state that if he ran for President he would do so as an independent and self-financed.  I supported (I was age 16) Ross Perot in 1992 for US President.  What changed with Trump in 2016?  The super-pac money of the RNC.  

So, if ALL the above are accurate and the Roman empire is essentially paying the electric bill that keeps the Statue of Liberty's torch lit, then, the USA has all but been physically conquered by Rome.  If and when that happens, don't expect to be speaking Italian.  They will use any number of their proxy military powers to rule you (ie: England, China or Russia).  By and large, and this is for a different conversation, they used English as their first proxy.  Yes, this is a discussion for the term illuminati, which, it seems Washington and the founders may have been subservient to.  The "enlightened ones" are historically a Bavarian based invasive society.  Be it, an espionage group.  Find more here

The following article sites Jesuit whistleblower Alberto Rivera and American theologian Bill Hughes.  It essentially explains the signs demonstrating that the Vatican had captured the US flag by getting Reagan elected through the national work of controlling protestantism.  Was Reagan aware of such conspiracy and fraud?  I highly doubt it.  He, like Trump, were/are simply hard working men that want America first.  MAGA.  The last person to tug at their (the Deep State) purse strings got his head blown off in Dallas at Dealey Plaza.  RIP JFK.  

The Sign when every Protestant denomination had been successfully infiltrated and overcome by the Jesuits

Monday September 27, 2010

Alberto Rivera is an ex-Jesuit priest who offers some very valuable insight in to apostasy of the Protestant churches of today. He carried out many evil deeds for the Jesuit Order. However, he responded to the leading of the Holy Spirit and left the Jesuits and became a follower of the Lord, Jesus Christ. While some of his understandings of Scripture were not correct, Rivera was very clear on the role of the Jesuits and the Vatican in history. Eventually, Rivera died a martyr, having been poisoned by the Jesuits. Rivera discussed the Jesuits’ desire to infiltrate and takeover all Protestant churches and lead them to follow the papacy. He stated that a sign would be given to Jesuits worldwide when every Protestant denomination had been successfully infiltrated and overcome by the Jesuits.

The sign was to be when a President of the U.S. took his oath of office facing an obelisk. For the first time in U.S. history, the swearing in ceremonies were moved to the West front of the capitol, and President Ronald Reagan faced the Washington-Monument. This happened January 20, 1981. -- Jack Chick, The Godfathers, Alberto Part Three, Chick Publications, page 26.

Some may think that Alberto does not know what he is talking about.

They probably believe that their church has not been taken over by the Jesuits. Consider this:

1. Is your church still protesting against the tyranny of the papacy?

2. Does your church still teach that the papacy is the anti-Christ, or is it, or is it something that your church once taught, but now shies away from because it is not politically correct?

3. Does your church engage in celebration style church services that are more contemporary with the times and have more upbeat music? This was part of the papacy’s plan at Vatican II in taking over all the churches.

4. Is your church forgetting their historic teachings and becoming more modern, casting away the old truths as relics of the past?

5. Are your church periodicals finding more and more good things to say about the papacy, even considering the Vatican leaders to be fine Christian people?

6. Is your church willing to join the ecumenical movement, even if it means sacrificing some basic teachings or principles that the church once believed?

If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions, or yes to all of these questions, then Alberto Rivera is right. Are there any major religious bodies or denominations today that don’t meet these criteria?


The Enemy Unmasked, Bill Hughes, pp.149-150.


I don't care what religion you may affiliate with or practice.  I don't care if you are agnostic or atheist.  What I care about is the US Constitution.  I care about health freedom.  I care about the longevity of the United States of America.  I furthmore care about history and understanding it in order to prevent future tyranny.  If the findings above are correct, allow this article to serve as warning to a country in danger of collapse. 

Ronald Reagan, by all things considered for America, was an outstanding President.  Did he dig enough to root out corruption in DC, absolutely not.  But, he did make America great and certainly made it a better place for Americans to be proud of.   It is now up to us to right the damage that has been done and truly make America an independent beacon of hope, freedom, liberty and justice for ALL.   

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